Issue 06 | September 2022

Introducing the 6th Issue of the ACODE Local Governance Briefer

By Dr Arthur Bainomugisha, Executve Director
Greetings from the Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment. I invite you to receive the 6h Issue of the Local Governance Briefer. This issue seeks to explore the readiness of different stakeholders in the implementation of the Parish Development Model. The theme for the 6th issue is “Readiness of stakeholders in the implementation of the Parish Development Model”. This theme has been selected because of the serious concerns raised over the subject raised during this quarter of the year.

Unlike the previous poverty alleviation programmes which were based at the constituency level, sub-county, or regional level; the Parish Development Model makes use of the Parish as the hub for its implementation. As such, all the 10,594 parishes in the country will be actively involved in the development of their locality. The parish will, therefore, be the epicentre of multi-sectoral community development planning, implementation, supervision, monitoring, and accountability.

Various stakeholders will be at the forefront of implementing the PDM. These include Central Government; Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Local Governments, and the community. The readiness of the different stakeholders in playing their different roles is critical for the successful implementation of the Parish Development Model. It is therefore my delight to introduce to you the 6th Issue of the Local Governance Briefer where each of the authors examines the readiness of the stakeholders in the different pillars.

In case you missed Issue 5, please click here

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